all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 9BB 18 0 53.412869 -2.841096
L36 9FA 1 1 53.410486 -2.839981
L36 9FB 1 1 53.410486 -2.839981
L36 9GA 3 3 53.410316 -2.844942
L36 9GD 2 2 53.410696 -2.841729
L36 9GE 45 1 53.410972 -2.843721
L36 9GF 1 1 53.411907 -2.839888
L36 9TA 23 0 53.412384 -2.844878
L36 9TB 16 1 53.412886 -2.847611
L36 9TD 14 0 53.413269 -2.850296
L36 9TE 7 0 53.413828 -2.854114
L36 9TF 5 2 53.412552 -2.843978
L36 9TG 36 1 53.413124 -2.846923
L36 9TH 13 0 53.414061 -2.852915
L36 9TJ 18 0 53.411084 -2.855744
L36 9TL 16 0 53.413236 -2.85526
L36 9TN 24 1 53.415257 -2.85503
L36 9TP 12 1 53.412952 -2.854638
L36 9TQ 15 0 53.413728 -2.850471
L36 9TR 25 0 53.415183 -2.854412